
Pairing Students’ Needs and Expertise With Those of Community Businesses and Organizations
Overview – This course offers the plan for how the NeoSTEM Ecosystem developed, designed, launched and iterated Wir’ED, a program that pays students for using their online skills to improve

Empowering communities through invention education
An Interview with Arthur Daemmrich, Director of the Lemelson Center for the Study of Invention and Innovation Starting out Arthur Daemmrich, director of the Lemelson Center for the Study of

Saving children and pets from death by hot car
Mother, Wanda Ray, beams with pride about her daughter’s invention and the impact it had on her confidence. As a kid, Wanda played with dollhouses and Barbies. She doesn’t recall

An autonomous tool helping to save baby pigs
SwineTech CEO, Matthew Rooda, shares how his company is helping to save the world Voice recognition is a very big part of life at SwineTech. Leveraging voice recognition, SwineTech listens

Bringing students together through invention education
An interview with Oakland Park, Florida Educator Clara Mabour Clara Mabour teaches biology, marine science, and global perspectives at her alma mater Northeast High School in Oakland Park, Florida. As

Underdogs to rocket systems champs
Teacher, Doug Scott, shows us how to get the disconnected kids involved Rocket Boys “I had four students that participated on our Lemelson MIT event team in 2013 and 2014