2024 Convening: Access in Action! Register Today

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Sponsor the 2024 SLECoP Convening: Access in Action!

McCormick Place | Chicago, IL
October 29-31, 2024

PreK-12 Children
0 M+
PreK-12 Teachers & Informal Educators
0 K
Philanthropic, Business & Industry Partners
0 K+

Every young person should have access to rich, connected learning opportunities

What if we tried a new strategy to ensure all young people reach their potential in STEM?

No single organization can change a system on its own, that’s why the STEM Learning Ecosystems Community of Practice and its 114 communities across the globe are cultivating strong cross-sector collaborations to make this reality.

Based on trusted local partnerships, STEM Ecosystems harness the “power of we”to expand resources, funding, and connections across sectors, breaking down silos in education and workforce development like never before.

STEM Learning Ecosystems: Our Reach

Community of Practice Placeholder
Community of Practice
Community of Practice (International) Placeholder
Community of Practice (International)