Within the STEM Learning Ecosystems Community of Practice, the power and value of digital fabrication is well known. The tools, however, are complex and it can be difficult to scale their use into lower grade levels. Solidworks has solved this disconnect with a suite of design tools that allow students as young as four the ability to create in a 3d space, interact with 3D printers, and prepare them with the skills and competencies that will accelerate their subtractive/additive manufacturing journey when they reach high school.
SOLIDWORKS has partnered with the SLECoP to offer FREE resources for future engineers to engage, become inspired and pursue exciting STEM careers.
Apps for Kids is a FREE resource for families and educators to harness the 20+ year expertise of SOLIDWORKS 3D solutions for designers and engineers!
Sign up to Apps for Kids Creator or Apps for Kids Classroom for free today.
See the Apps for Kids blog to see more about how kids are learning!