2024 Convening: Access in Action! Register Today

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TIME: 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM


NASA is interested in ecosystems – not just the planetary kind, but the STEM Learning kind too.  In 2020 a five-year project was funded by the Science Mission Directorate to bring together  SLEs and NASA science engagement programs. This breakout will share findings from the first  18 months of the project, including four case studies from rural and indigenous communities.  Included in the session will be an overview of the research, highlights of the four case studies  sites (AK, AZ, NC, ME), and a showcase of NASA programs and resources (including some cool  citizen science programs). 


Format: This will be a mixed format presentation with the first hour having the speakers discuss  the NASA SciAct Broadening Participation Ecosystem research project, data analysis and  concerns. This section will include table discussions around the research findings and a group  share out of how the materials might be used to further individual ecosystem work. The second  hour will be an interactive Q&A and curated showcase of NASA publicly facing programs which  are actively looking for collaborators. The breakout will conclude with a 10 minute review of  the research and goals with a lead out call to action.