This report synthesizes a one-day National Science Foundation (NSF)-supported Forum, “Next Generation STEM Learning for All,” organized by Education Development Center (EDC) and SRI International through the STEM Learning and Research Center (STELAR) at EDC, the Community for Advancing Discovery Research in Education (CADRE) at EDC, and the Center for Innovative Research in Cyberlearning (CIRCL), working in close collaboration with NSF and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. The Forum engaged prominent scientists in STEM learning research and school, community, and policy leaders in addressing the question, “How can research-based findings and advances help society to re-envision STEM learning and education?” and related questions. Key takeaways discussed in the report focus on four thematic areas: (1) research-based advances; (2) multiple stakeholder communities; (3) social justice and equity; and (4) scale and sustainability.
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