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‘Planet, People, Prosperity’ The First In-Person Gathering of STEM Learning Ecosystems Since 2020


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Michigan selected out of 94 global STEM Ecosystems to host the international convening set for June 20-22, 2022.

BAY CITY, MICHIGAN“Planet, People, Prosperity” the first in-person convening of the STEM Learning Ecosystems Community of Practice is planned for June 20 to June 22, 2022 in Michigan’s Great Lakes Bay Region, home of one of the nation’s most successful Ecosystems, the Great Lakes Bay Region STEM Ecosystem.

“Planet, People, Prosperity” will explore practical strategies for how communities can use STEM to drive gains in equity, social mobility and efforts to safeguard the environment.

Anchored by the Great Lakes Bay Region STEM Ecosystem, a host planning committee of all Michigan Ecosystems including the Michigan STEM Partnership Southeast Michigan STEM Alliance and the MiSTEM Network, has worked to build an engaging conference that will offer hands-on learning opportunities curated from throughout the state as well as the nation.

Michigan, once nearly fully dependent on the automobile industry, has diversified its economy and dynamic STEM collaborations are at the heart of this inclusive and innovative shift.

Michigan was selected in a competitive process open to all 94 Ecosystems that are a part of the global network, which serves students in the United States, Mexico, Canada, Israel and Kenya. 

“We chose Michigan because we believe that the state is leading the nation and the world in countless key areas related to STEM, including advanced mobility and their integration of technologies in the Industry 4.0 initiative,” said Jan Morrison, president of TIES, the organization that leads the STEM Learning Ecosystems. “And we’re thrilled to be going to the Great Lakes Bay Region, where innovation has been embraced and rallied by key stakeholders who make up successful Ecosystems.”

“Planet, People, Prosperity” was originally planned to take place in 2020, but was delayed because of COVID-19. We are thrilled to host this international group of STEM thought-leaders in the Great Lakes Bay Region next year,” said Matthew Felan, president and CEO of the Great Lakes Bay Regional Alliance. “The Great Lakes Bay Region offers an opportunity to see and experience firsthand what effective STEM collaboration looks like. From partnering with industry-leading companies, to workforce development, to educational partnerships at all levels, we look forward to showing our Ecosystem partners how we’ve evolved as a STEM-based region.”

Planet, People, Prosperity will bring together international leaders from more than 90 STEM Ecosystems to address current and evolving talent and community needs for the 21st century economy. 

Ecosystems work to align learning throughout a person’s life, in any environment, to advance creativity, innovation and a better world for us all. As its name suggests, the convening of global leaders will focus on meaningful contributions of Ecosystems to sustain our planet, invest in all people. The effort is especially focused on increasing access to opportunities for the most marginalized populations and to bring prosperity in the greatest sense of the word to all communities. 

“As we look to the future and expand STEM opportunities across the state, both in education and professional careers, Michigan’s selection to host this convening is a tell-tale sign that we are leaders in building vibrant STEM ecosystems,” MiSTEM Network Executive Director Megan Schrauben said. “Without a doubt, our partnership will lead to strategies to create a stronger workforce who’s ready to tackle the state’s STEM-revolution using real-world innovative solutions – a step toward economic prosperity for all.”

Planet, People, Prosperity will feature collaboration among educators, workforce professionals, business leaders, policymakers, government officials, community and nonprofit organizations and other active participants in STEM education, workforce and economic development for thriving communities. 

Planet, People, Prosperity will include a focus on the key elements needed for producing a talented workforce:

  • An understanding of the current and future industry needs;
  • Diverse and committed partners from education, business and industry, non-profits, government, philanthropic organizations and other influencers;
  • Entry points for collaboration with the ability to scale;
  • Clear career pathways available for youth and families to make important decisions;
  • Access to learning opportunities for ALL students;
  • Ongoing learning opportunities within the community to keep abreast of industry shifts.

To get involved visit the website here: https://stemecosystems.org/2022-spring-convening-save-the-date/ 

About STEM Learning Ecosystems

Founded in 2015, the SLECoP is a global initiative of education and business leaders who know that prosperous communities are built through collaboration, a willingness to reimagine education and provide opportunities to those commonly neglected. It includes 94 ecosystems operating in the U.S., Mexico, Canada, Israel and Kenya.

The December 2018 Federal five-year strategic plan, Charting A Course for Success: America’s Strategy for STEM Education, identified STEM ecosystems as the number one strategy for improving STEM literacy, ensuring a strong workforce and global competitiveness for all, and an important means to support diversity, equity, and inclusion in a thriving STEM workforce.

The initiative was built on the fundamental, evidence-based belief that learning happens everywhere, not just in traditional classrooms. Consequently, ecosystems are made up of partners representing K-12 public and private education, business and industry, after-school providers, non-profits, STEM-rich institutions, government and philanthropy. Ecosystem partners work toward shared goals to improve STEM opportunities for all and necessary skills for an economy yet to be conceived and ensuring policies meet 22nd century needs.

It is supported by numerous funders and partners, including Amgen Foundation, Broadcom Foundation, Burroughs Wellcome Fund, Carnegie Corporation of New York, Cleveland Foundation, DigitalC, Fowler Family Foundation, Huntington Bank, Nord Family Foundation, Nordson, Overdeck Family Foundation, Qualcomm Foundation, Samueli Foundation, STEM Funders Network, Steinman Foundation, STEM Next Opportunity Fund, TGR Foundation, The Charles and Lynn Schusterman Foundation, The Steinman Foundation, and many other local and regional foundations that support their respective STEM ecosystems.

About TIES – Teaching Institute for Excellence in STEM

TIES is a global STEM workforce and education consulting firm headquartered in Cleveland that is dedicated to making STEM accessible to everyone, especially underserved and underrepresented learners. They do this by connecting stakeholders — educators, funders, community organizations, businesses and government agencies — who, through collaborative partnerships, create meaningful and gainful STEM learning experiences. TIES designed and continues to lead the SLECoP, which was created in 2015 with the support of the STEM Funders Network. TIES has a team of consultants that provide strategic planning support and guides design, training and implementation across all services. Visit www.tiesteach.org

​​About the Great Lakes Bay Regional Alliance 

The mission of the Great Lakes Bay Regional Alliance is to encourage, support and celebrate regional collaboration and initiatives that will improve the economic vitality and quality of life in the Great Lakes Bay Region. The Great Lakes Bay Regional Alliance is comprised of 48 board members who represent various organizations across Bay, Isabella, Midland and Saginaw Counties. More information is available at https://www.greatlakesbay.com/ 

​​About the MiSTEM Network 

The MiSTEM Network was created to broaden ownership of the state’s STEM strategy and position more Michigan students for success in our rapidly changing economy. To learn more about MiSTEM and their latest efforts, visit Michigan.gov/MiSTEM.

About the Michigan STEM Partnership Southeast Michigan STEM Alliance 

The Michigan STEM Partnership Southeast Michigan STEM Alliance is dedicated to providing connections and communications between employers, educators, students & parents, community / professional organizations, & policy-makers, to ensure the growth, effectiveness and sustainability of STEM education and talent development in southeast Michigan. Through a collective effort and common agenda, a cross-sector alliance of organizations will develop research-based strategies, leverage resources, and drive system-wide change efforts that provide STEM enriching environments and student success.


‘Planet, People, Prosperity’ The First In-Person Gathering of STEM Learning Ecosystems Since 2020