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Launching the Future: A New Era for Workforce Innovation in D.C. | A Blog by Katie Grootegoed


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Launching the Future: A New Era for Workforce Innovation in D.C.

Attending the inaugural event of the Capital Workforce Innovation Consortium in Washington, D.C. was an experience I won’t soon forget. Representing TIES, I was joined by the dynamic Michelle Gilliard, IBM Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Leader for IBM Americas. Together, we presented IBM SkillsBuild to a room buzzing with anticipation and excitement.

Unveiling Potential

Washington, D.C. is a city of contrasts. While the overall unemployment rate is 5%, certain areas like Wards 7 and 8 face a much higher rate of 10%. Yet, the D.C. metro area, including Maryland and Northern Virginia, is a hotspot for tech jobs, especially in cybersecurity. With nearly 100,000 positions, this region boasts the highest concentration of cybersecurity jobs in the country. The mission of the Consortium is clear: bridge the gap between untapped talent and these high-demand jobs.

A Community Effort

The Consortium’s activities are based at the Penn West Equity and Innovation District, a hub of creativity and tech talent. Elizabeth Packer, Manager of Penn West, spoke passionately about their commitment to fostering innovation and supporting diverse tech talent from local universities.

The Big Day

The event itself was nothing short of inspiring. Michelle’s panel discussion was a hit, drawing a crowd eager for more insights. We showcased IBM SkillsBuild, highlighting its potential to transform lives through skills-based training.

Moving Forward

Here are the key takeaways:

  1. Collaboration: Encouraging further partnerships among attendees to leverage IBM SkillsBuild.
  2. Participation: Inviting everyone to register for IBM SkillsBuild to benefit from its offerings.
  3. Future Plans: Preparing for the formal launch in August, focusing on building strong partnerships.
  4. Follow-up: Ensuring ongoing communication and updates as we move forward.

The event emphasized the power of collaboration in workforce development. We’re excited for the official launch in August and the continued journey ahead.

Thank you to everyone who made this event a success. Stay tuned for more updates as we work together to shape the future of workforce innovation in D.C.!

For more information, visit the Capital Workforce Innovation Consortium.



Launching the Future: A New Era for Workforce Innovation in D.C. | A Blog by Katie Grootegoed