BAY CITY, MICH. / JUNE 20 – 22, 2022
New Ecosystem Orientation
Opening and Welcome – Jeremy Shorr, Jan Morrison, TIES – General Welcome
(Welcome to new LC2 – New Ecosystems )
STEM Ecosystems and the Department of Defense
Louie Lopez, Director, DOD STEM. Introduced by Julie Stolzer
The Voices of the Next Generation: Chief Science Officers
Today’s student STEM leaders have questions for all of us. They will also issue some big charges and challenges for STEM leaders.
Draw Your Ecosystems’ Future with Patti Dobrowolski.
Develop and plan your Ecosystem’s work for the coming year with creative and visual guidance.
Coding in the Future
Computational Thinking in STEM and Inclusion” by Broadcom Foundation – Learn how to use CS to drive inclusion in your communities with Paula Golden of Broadcom Foundation; Matt Richardson of Raspberry Pi Foundation, and Maria Wronski of Broadcom Foundation.
Check out this video of this session here.
People, Planet, Prosperity by Dow
A deeper dive into how the convening theme is critical to all by Andre Argenton of Dow. Introduced by Kevin Holland of Verizon.
Become a Force of Change
Linda Hilbert of Consumers Energy. Introduced by Matt Felan.
Monday Evening Sessions 4:30 PM – 6:30 PM
- Multiple Tracks: “NASA’s Mission for All” | 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM | 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
- Prosperity: “How the Mexican Ecosystem Shapes the Future of the Country” | 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
- Multiple Tracks: “ Creating Structure Through Statewide and Regional STEM Hubs” | 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
- People: Embarking on a Scaling for Equity Journey:Pitfalls to Avoid and People to Embrace Along the Way
- People: “Elevating the Voices of Our Future Innovators” | 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
- Multiple Tracks: STORYTELLING in STEM with EXPLR Media | 4:30 PM – 6:00 PM
Welcome to Bay City, Michigan
Learn about everything our host city has to offer. And there’s a lot!
Food Trucks and Adult Recess, Drone Racing, Planetarium Shows and More.
Breakfast and Ecosystem Lead Session
Developing a new normal for STEM Learning Ecosystems
Grand Ballroom B
Breakfast for field trip participants
Grand Ballroom A/D
Breakfast for attendees who have selected morning breakout/E2E sessions
Load Buses for field trip participants
Networking Time/Travel Time/Vendor Time
Tuesday Morning Sessions
Tuesday Morning Field Trips 8:45 AM -11:45 AM:
- People: Mid-Michigan Children’s Museum
Learn about access and equity, business engagement, parent engagement and ideas for robust out-of-school time programming.
- Planet: Delta College
Learn how to expand STEM and sustainability through educational initiatives and strong partnerships.
- Prosperity: Bay-Arenac ISD Career Center
A new look at talent development through high impact partnerships.
Block 1 Sessions 8:30 AM – 9:15 AM
- Prosperity: “High School STEM 2D Bridge to Employment”
- People: “Large-Scale STEM Impact”
- Multiple Tracks: A tale as old as time, the beauty and the beast of access, interest, and excitement about engineering and STEM education
- People: “Personalized Learning and STEM”
- Multiple Tracks: Agilities In Action-Draw Your Future Part 1
- Multiple Tracks: “Broadcom & Raspberry Pi Foundations Breakout Session” Part 1
- Multiple Tracks: “What’s Love Got to Do with It: Lessons in Sustainability from a 29-Year Old Ecosystem”
- Prosperity: “Texas-Sized STEM Framework and Toolkit”
- Planet: “What is OpenSciEd? How can the OpenSciEd resources support NGSS implementation?”
- Multiple Tracks: Agilities In Action-Draw Your Future AM PT 2
- Multiple Tracks: “Broadcom & Raspberry Pi Foundations Breakout Session” Part 2
- Multiple Tracks: “Out of This World STEM Careers” PT1
- People: Measure STEM
- People: “Precruitment to Recruitment: Data you need to build stronger post-secondary and corporate partnerships”
- Multiple Tracks: “Collaborative, Community Based STEM”
- People: “Computational Thinking Through STEM: A Scalable Model for Elementary Classrooms”
- People: Sports is the Epicenter of STEM and a great way to score for your Ecosystem. NEO STEM + the Cleveland CAVS (Part 1)
- Multiple Tracks: “Out of This World STEM Careers” Part 2
- People: Interdisciplinary STEM Discussion
- Planet: “Global Gardens”
- Prosperity: BlocksCAD: Creative coding and math in a 3D environment
- People: “Helping Children to Make Sense of the World: Interdisciplinary Approach”
- People: Sports is the Epicenter of STEM and a great way to score for your Ecosystem. NEO STEM + the Cleveland CAVS Part 2
Travel Time/Team Time/Networking Time
Funder Panel and Lunch – Main Stage
As lunch continues…funders explain their priorities and how they have evolved in the pandemic. Moderator: Errika Moore, STEM Funders Network; Panelists: Reginald McGregor, Rolls-Royce North America and vice chairman of the Leadership Coordinating Council; and Kat Owsley, Bosch Community Fund.
Code 313 Visit and interact with sponsors and vendors
Load Buses for field trip participants
Travel Time/Team Time/Networking Time
Tuesday Afternoon Field Trips 1:45 PM – 4:45 PM
Field Trips:
People: Saginaw Valley State University
Investigate how large institutions build meaningful connections across disciplines and demographics to create enriching experiences for learners at all levels.
Planet: Chippewa Nature Center
Learn about place, project, problem, and partnership-based STEM education.
Prosperity: Nexteer Automotive
Let’s develop a workforce for the 4th Industrial Revolution!
E2E Workshops:
- Prosperity: “Broaden Your Impact – Ecosystem to Ecosphere” Part 1
- People: Elevator Pitch Boot Camp
- Multiple Tracks: SolidWorks Presentation
- Planet: “Building a Framework for Sustainability Initiatives”
- Planet: “Consumers Energy-Employer Driven Talent Pipeline Management”
- People: “First, Not Everyone Is At The Table & Second, None of This Happens In A Vacuum”
- Multiple Tracks: “Building Networks for Student Success in STEM”
- Prosperity: “Broaden Your Impact – Ecosystem to Ecosphere” Part 2
- Multiple Tracks: “Educational Enrichment Through Shared Leadership in a Diverse Community”
- People: Leveraging First Robotics to build community coalitions, Foster Resilience and Address Community Needs Part 1
- People: “Youth Leadership and Mentorship from and for the Community” Part 1
- People: Business Partnership Development Bootcamp
- Multiple Tracks: “COVID Adaptations = Better Ecosystems”
- Multiple Tracks: “LabXChange”
- People: gROW Rowing STEM – Applied Sport Science
- People: Leveraging First Robotics to build community coalitions, Foster Resilience and Address Community Needs Part 2
- People: “Youth Leadership and Mentorship from and for the Community” Part 2
- People: “Data Narratives for Action”
- Planet: Leveraging Emerging Tech to Help Bridge the Digital Divide in Education
- Multiple Tracks: “STEM + M: Engagement Through Military Partnerships”
- People: “Taking STEAM to the Streets!”
- Multiple Tracks: “Creating Collaborative STEM Spaces: Design and Innovation Studios”
- Prosperity: “Message Matters”
- Planet: “Ready, Set, Action! How to Provide a Framework to Sustainability”
- People: “B2B Forum”
DoD STEM DSEC Quarterly Meeting (Invitation Only), Room 213 Delta College Planetarium
Travel Time/Team Time/Networking Time/Vendor Time
Team Time/Networking Time/Dining
Opening Session
Leveraging Optimism to Benefit STEM Learning
As the pandemic continues and times remain uncertain and constantly changing, educators and students alike are feeling the strain, worry, and fatigue. Now more than ever we need to provide strategies to teachers and out-of-school time professionals so they feel the support they deserve and are empowered to assist the learning and well-being of their students. Join the PEAR team as they explore the natural integration of STEM and social emotional development (SED) and discuss how optimism as an SED skillset is not static but rather can be strengthened to benefit STEM learning environments. The team will provide practical approaches and will also discuss the professional development workshops they are offering in three key areas for schools and afterschool programs as they prepare to support the learning, social-emotional, and mental health needs of youth during the 2020-21 academic year.
- Dr. Gil Noam, Partnerships in Education and Resilience (PEAR)
- Kristin Lewis-Warner, M.Ed., Partnerships in Education and Resilience (PEAR)
- Jamaal Williams, Partnerships in Education and Resilience (PEAR)
This session guides you to be firm and flexible in response to the accelerating pace of change and unexpected conditions. This conversation explores Future Readiness and describes a model of Mindfulness, Learning, Adapting, Growing and Transforming. Drawing on principles from a positive mindset and managing change, we will focus on responding to change, developing agility and adapting to new circumstances and experiences. Resilience is not extraordinary or unattainable, everyone can learn how to navigate by re-framing your mindset, shifting your thinking and forming new habits.
PRESENTER: Pamela Sammarco, CEO, Green Training Associates LLC
FOCUS AREAS: Systems that Sustain the Work, Social Emotional Development
As the number of high schools encouraging students to explore internships and other workbased learning opportunities has grown, so has the need for information about how to get the process started. This session will highlight strategies for engaging young adults in career exploration with examples from both the medical and manufacturing industries.
PRESENTERS: Dr. Steven Player, Executive Director, Diversity, Inclusion & Community Engagement, Barnes-Jewish Hospital: Jennifer Irvin, MHSA, CCHW BJC School Outreach and Youth Development School-Community Education Partner, BJC HealthCare: Beonica Rutherford-Frazier, Project Director Work-Based Learning and Apprenticeships Bossier Parish Community College
ECOSYSTEMS: North Louisiana STEM Alliance and STEM STL
FOCUS AREAS: Systems that Sustain the Work, Workforce Development, Virtual Pivots
Each of the 4 LSU STEM Pathways consists of a specialized progression of up to 8 project-based high school courses that prepare students for both college and career. Students can earn industry-based credentials in areas related to engineering, computer science, and robotics and have dual enrollment opportunities. By addressing the STEM needs of university and career-tech bound students simultaneously, this blended approach improves the socioeconomic disparities present in our bifurcated education systems that channel students into college or career training. Come learn more about our frameworks for STEM college and career readiness.
PRESENTER: Vanessa Begat
ECOSYSTEMS: Baton Rouge STEM Learning Network
FOCUS AREAS: Connections to Learning, Career Pathways, Equity
It’s 2020. If we can’t have flying cars, we should at least have STEM access for all students. We’ve seen districts make historic shifts to meet new constraints and now is the time to support districts serving a high percentage of low income students of color to leverage this moment for long-needed systemic change–ensuring STEM access for ALL. Learn about strategies and tools that 2 California ecosystems are using to plan and implement STEM integration K-12. Preload your questions on this Padlet: http://bit.ly/SDSJE2E and join us to test drive some (also non-flying) tools.
PRESENTERS: Christina O’Guinn, Senior Director, Educational Partnerships, The Tech Interactive: Shery Burch STEM Pathways Project Manager, The Tech Interactive
ECOSYSTEM: Region 5 STEAM Ecosystem
FOCUS PILLARS: Cross-Sector Partnerships, Connections to Learning, Workforce Development, Equity
Case studies provide valuable insight into potential pathways for STEM Learning ecosystems (SLEs) to transform STEM education models and generate hypotheses to inform future studies on a larger scale. However, formal case studies are very time-consuming, expensive and most programs lack the capacity to conduct such in-depth investigations with any frequency. Fortunately, many of the functions of a case study can be captured on a more practical scale. Join the PEAR team as they discuss the value of case studies and review a simpler, more accessible case study collection and reporting system with a backbone based in factual information (data). Come learn more about how to tell your ecosystem’s unique story through data and reporting.
PRESENTER: Dr. Gil Noam, PEAR; Kristin Lewis-Warner, PEAR
FOCUS AREAS: Measurement of Prgress
Thank you to our overall initiative funders:



