Katie Grootegoed

Director of Technology Enhanced Learning

Breakthrough Schools

Katie Grootegoed is the Director of Technology Enhanced Learning at Breakthrough Schools in Cleveland Ohio. Her most recent accomplishment in this role is Breakthrough’s acceptance into the Verizon Innovative Learning Schools Cohort 5 which provides iPads with data to about 1000 staff and students allowing for 24/7 access to the internet, technology, and the wonderful world beyond our school doors. Katie received her BA in Education from John Carroll University (Go Blue Streaks!), her MS in Physiology at Long Island University, Brooklyn, and her Masters Specialist Certificate in Educational Technology from Missouri State University. She has been an educator in Breakthrough Schools, New York City Public Schools, Henrico County Public Schools, and at J. Sargeant Reynolds Community College. She is NETS-T certified and thrives in uncharted territories, challenging traditional viewpoints. Katie is dedicated to conquering the digital divide and empowering Cleveland’s students to be agents of change. [one_half] [/one_half][one_half_last]   [/one_half_last]