2024 Convening: Access in Action! Register Today

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Invest in Our Community of Change Makers

No one individual or organization can change the system alone.

Based on trusted local partnerships, STEM Ecosystems expand resources, funding, and connections across sectors, breaking down silos in education and workforce development like never before. 

Bridge the Divide

By investing in the STEM Learning Ecosystems Community of Practice, you will help forge significant connections within 114+ communities, impacting more than 70 million learners. 

Your investment creates vibrant threads of connection, linking learners, educators, and innovators across city limits, state lines, national borders, and continental divides.

Convening Members discussing an experiment

From Neighborhoods to the National Stage. Gathering Data for Global Action.

By supporting the SLECoP, you are not only impacting lives in your backyard – you are uplifting best practices in STEM learning and workforce development that spans the globe.  


Ready to make an impact?