From the Field

Family Engagement Focus at Spring 2019 Convening

Picture of family holding hands

Members of STEM Learning Ecosystems Community of Practice from across the world recently gathered in historic New Orleans to share ideas and best practices in STEM education. Here is a compilation of their thoughts and ideas.

Do you have other ideas for family engagement in education? Share your thoughts on Twitter and tag us @STEMEcosystems.

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New Look, Same Mission: The STEM Ecosystems Initiative Launches Bold Brand for 2025!

STEM Ecosystems unveils a dynamic new visual identity featuring a contemporary logo and vibrant color palette that symbolizes innovation, collaboration, and growth in STEM education. The refreshed branding, launched as the organization celebrates its decade of impact, includes new community badges and partner identifiers, reflecting STEM Ecosystems’ commitment to connecting communities and fueling growth in STEM learning for the next decade and beyond.

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