Texas EcosySTEM

According to labor projections, Texas is expected to have the second-highest percentage of the nation’s future STEM job opportunities. To ensure our students are prepared for this future workforce, The Texas Education Agency has established the Texas EcosySTEM – a collaborative effort that unites various stakeholders to work towards the common goal of increasing access for young people to STEM-rich learning environments so that they are engaged and have mastered the necessary skills for success in STEM careers. The Texas EcosySTEM created a statewide STEM steering committee in 2018 and regional STEM hubs in 2019 with representation from formal and informal K-12 educators, Workforce Development Boards, Chambers of Commerce, business and industry professionals, regional Education Service Centers, postsecondary institutions, non-profits, and other relevant stakeholders to better align P-20 learning pathways and prepare students for the changing needs of higher education and the workforce.
The Texas Education Agency has partnered with the 20 Education Service Centers (ESC) as STEM Hubs. The Texas EcosySTEM stakeholder partnerships are maintained by the STEM Leads in the 20 ESCs across the state. STEM stakeholders regularly participate in Design Team meetings and serve as content experts for the regions.