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Region 5 STEAM

San Benito, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, and Monterey, CA


The Region 5 STEAM in Expanded Learning Ecosystem unites a diverse group of regional cross sector partners who develop and implement a comprehensive system of support and resources that cultivate high quality, integrative and engaging STEAM learning opportunities for underserved, low-socio-economic youth, grades TK-12th. We ignite passion, develop growth mindsets, improve self-efficacy, and inspire the students and staff to be prepared for college, career and life.

Through the purposeful engagement of our visionary leader partners, our Region 5 STEAM Ecosystem strives to continuously connect important initiatives across disciplines that promote collaboration and drive important student pathways to STEM related careers. We passionately believe that integration and coherence among K-12 Education, Expanded Learning, Museum, Higher Education, Business and other Public/Private systems can truly accomplish more collectively than any one system can alone.