Be’er Sheva STEM Ecosystem
Be'er Sheva, Israel

Promoting scientific and technological excellence in Be’er Sheva
Several philanthropic funds, led by the JFN (Jewish Funders Network), joined forces in 2017 to establish and design an ecosystem in Be’er Sheva, aimed to promote scientific and technological excellence in the city: from early childhood to the employment world. The philanthropic funds involved in mobilizing the process in Be’er Sheva include: Beyachad Foundation (Carasso), Gilbert Foundation, Daniel (Jusidman) Foundation, Trump Foundation, Samueli Foundation, Rashi Foundation and BroadCom. The ecosystem design process began in 2018, led by the local authority recruiting partners as the backbone of the operation, together with TIES (Teaching Institute for Excellence in STEM), which develops and implements the model in the U.S.
Be’er Sheva is a metropolitan center of national and international scientific-technological excellence, leading the city and region to better quality of living and economic prosperity.
Goals and objectives
To promote the fulfillment of human potential in STEM among residents of Be’er Sheva and the metropolitan area through all age groups from early childhood to employment.
Super Objective
Increasing the number of STEM graduates joining quality technological units in the IDF, in higher education and in advanced and innovative local industry, while providing equal opportunity and ensuring proper representation for all sectors.
Action Levers
An action lever is an intervention center where a change will lead to a significant result toward achieving the objective.
The levers selected for the Be’er Sheva activity were identified and defined by members of the planning forum, based on their mapping of Be’er Sheva, identifying the major intervention centers for achieving the super objective.
- Proper female representation in STEM subjects
- STEM development tracks for high school graduates throughout the employment path
- System development and nurturing of STEM educational teams
- Setting foundations of STEM knowledge, skills and exposure at a young ages