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North Country STEM Network

Northern Counties of New York


The North Country STEM Network, founded in 2012, serves the seven northern-most counties of New York State, and is one of 10 regional Empire State Learning Networks. Its Mission is to energize and focus community resources to design, develop, implement and demonstrate innovative, sustainable, and transferable STEM learning experiences for economic vitality and exceptional quality of life. This Mission is articulated through agree-upon goals and objectives in four focus areas: students, educators, economic development and communication. To assure strong communication and foster collaboration and innovation among all community partners, the Network is organized into three regional hubs, each with local leadership. The Network is governed by a Steering Committee composed of representatives from public schools, higher education, business and industry, workforce development, out-of-school programs, and regional hub leaders. The annual STEM Champion Awards recognize outstanding contributions by K-12 educators, higher education, and community partners.