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5 Things We Want to Know



Kristen Kibblehouse is the STEM Events Coordinator for the Cape Cod Regional STEM Network. Read about the fantastic Teacher-in-Residence program and other efforts of the Network here.

What drew you to work in the STEM education field?

In college, I majored in marine science with a concentration in shark research and conservation. I quickly learned that everything in my degree was interdisciplinary. You don’t do science one day and math another; they all work together. Then, when I became an educator, I worked on STEM/STEAM themed summer camps for students on Cape Cod to show the students how everything can work together.

How is the Cape Cod STEM Network benefitting from its involvement in STEM Ecosystems?

We’re new to the STEM Ecosystems, but going to the national convening in Kansas City opened our eyes to what other networks are doing and helped us see how we can adapt those ideas to our own network.

How do you see your programs helping solve the employment gap and meet demand for STEM jobs?

I think to solve the employment gap/demand is to first show the public that the demand is there for these kinds of jobs. For example, most people do not know that there is an abundance of tech jobs open on Cape Cod, so they go elsewhere for those job opportunities. As the Event Coordinator for our STEM Network, I am working on providing more STEM events for the community as well as Cape Cod Community College students. Through these events, I hope to show the students and community what great opportunities they have for experiences, internships, and jobs right here.

What’s the most rewarding part of your job?

I always love showing people what STEM opportunities are out there for them. I run into community members that have lived on Cape Cod all their lives and don’t know what is there for them, their children, or grandchildren.

Who was a role model for you when you were younger? Favorite teacher?

A role model of mine was my high school student council adviser, Mr. Daniels. I came from a small farm town where I had teachers tell me my career path was unrealistic. Mr. Daniels was always supportive and there for advice in school. He believes in his students and supports their interests. I truly believe we need more teachers like that in the school system.


5 Things We Want to Know