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About the Initiative

Frequently Asked Questions about the STEM Learning Ecosystems Initiative

What is the STEM Learning Ecosystems Initiative?

The STEM Learning Ecosystems Community of Practice is a collection of like-minded partners preparing all learners to thrive through high-quality science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) experiences. We cultivate and support hundreds of Ecosystems – organized local efforts across the country driven by collaboration among community partners to improve access to high-quality STEM learning no matter their ZIP code.

Ecosystems address the lack of coordination within communities across the cradle to career spectrum, a challenge that has stalled progress in closing equity gaps and developing future-ready citizens. By relying on coordination between unlikely partners—such as school districts, teachers, parents, higher education institutions and informal STEM programs, to name a few—each Ecosystem can transform the local infrastructure for ensuring more learners, particularly underserved and underrepresented, develop the knowledge and skills they need to succeed.

STEM Learning Ecosystems are grounded in the National Research Council’s Framework for K12 Science Education, Surrounded by Science: Learning Science in Informal Environments and Community Programs to Promote Youth Development, as well as other research about how young people learn and develop.

Who leads STEM Learning Ecosystems?

In September 2015, the STEM Funders Network, more than 20 education-focused private and corporate foundations working together to increase the expertise of grant makers investing in STEM, announced the pilot cohort of 27 Ecosystems, a concept based on over a decade of research into successful STEM collaborations.

Now, the Community of Practice consists of hundreds of STEM Learning Ecosystems.  Here is a breakdown by cohort and description of each STEM Learning Ecosystem.

The STEM Learning Ecosystems Community of Practice is managed by TIES, the Teaching Institute for Excellence in STEM. 

How can I join an Ecosystem in my region? Can any organization join a local Ecosystem?

Local Ecosystems self-organize and manage their own structure and operations. Ecosystems tend to be quite inclusive, given their emphasis on partnership building and collaboration to achieve ambitious goals. In fact, the Initiative selected Ecosystems that specifically demonstrated an ability to grow their local network through stakeholder outreach, among other criteria.

To join your local Ecosystem get in touch with the leaders listed on their page (see list of active Ecosystems here). If you have any questions or trouble getting in touch, contact us at info@stemecosystems.org

How does the STEM Learning Ecosystems’ model differ from other national STEM initiatives?

The STEM Learning Ecosystems Initiative is unique in its emphasis on collective knowledge and action, and its focus on transforming systems, including funding models and shared measurement.

The STEM Learning Ecosystems Community of Practice facilitates frequent opportunities for each individual Ecosystem to communicate and learn from one another in order to maximize local results and create a shared narrative around the importance of STEM learning and workforce development pathways for all.

Unlike other national STEM initiatives, the STEM Learning Ecosystems Initiative is agnostic when it comes to local models—by design, individual Ecosystems determine and drive their own model based on what is best for their community. By empowering individual Ecosystems to re-envision the infrastructure through which learners access high-quality STEM learning and move through their community to the next learning experience, our efforts can dramatically improve the life-long learning required for economic mobility and future success.

Why is it important to cultivate and support local Ecosystems?

Local stakeholders know what is best for their community. And yet, there are untapped opportunities for local, regional and state systems, community organizations, government, and business to work together to provide high- quality learning, particularly underserved and underrepresented populations.

Barriers to collaboration often include lack of time, resources, and infrastructure. The Ecosystems Initiative provides the necessary support to help local partners with a common goal align their resources and efforts to maximize results for all learners—and to create systemic change in how the community prepares individuals for success.

What does the STEM Learning Ecosystems Initiative envision for the next phase of STEM awareness in the U.S.?

Our nation is finally heeding the call for greater support to build a STEM-literate, future-ready citizenry. In the coming years, we will see silos breaking down across education, business and community leadership so that all partners with a common vision can work together to maximize STEM learning and career exploration for all learners.

Local communities will drive innovative programs and delivery systems to support educators, students and families, while national philanthropies and policymakers will work to scale models that move the needle in student achievement and workforce development.

The nation will continue to tackle challenges in equity, career pathways and alignment between classrooms and out-of-school opportunities for students. The STEM Learning Ecosystems Initiative looks forward to empowering local Ecosystems that will lead this important work, community by community.


For any questions, please contact us at info@stemecosystems.org.