Philadelphia STEM Ecosystem
Philadelphia, PA

The Philadelphia STEM Ecosystem encompasses the rich environment of STEM programming, education, and opportunities throughout the Greater Philadelphia area. Our backbone organization, The Philadelphia Education Fund (PEF) facilitates communication and connections among Ecosystem members, and ensures the continuance of the local Ecosystem movement. Our goal is to promote just and equitable access to STEM opportunities for children and youth. Our work is made possible by the collaboration of our steering committee, workgroups and over 800 members who believe that everyone benefits when students succeed in STEM.
A ten-year initiative was established in January 2020 between GSK and the Philadelphia STEM Ecosystem, the Philadelphia STEM Equity Collective (PSEC). PSEC cultivates STEM equity, access, and inclusion in STEM career pathways for Philadelphia students who are traditionally underrepresented in STEM occupations. Using a collective impact model and harnessing the resources of the Philadelphia STEM Ecosystem, it includes engagement with an external evaluator and competitive programmatic grants for PSEC member organizations. Its goal is to increase the number of Black, Latinx and women Philadelphians going into STEM careers by 2030.
The Philadelphia STEM Ecosystem is also a participant in the Pennsylvania Statewide STEM Ecosystem (PSSE). PSSE is a collection of STEM Ecosystems and STEM networks across Pennsylvania, in partnership with the Pennsylvania Department of Education, that through purposeful cooperation and collaboration, focuses primarily on creating professional networks and a stable community of practice.
In 2022 PEF, GSK, the Philadelphia STEM Ecosystem, and the Philadelphia STEM Equity Collective launched RISE (Regional Industries and STEM Education), a peer group for Philadelphia-area industries and businesses engaged in STEM education. RISE helps STEM industries navigate the Philadelphia STEM landscape, support meaningful STEM education, and cultivate the next generation of STEM professionals.
Betsy Payne
Manager, Philadelphia STEM Ecosystem
Manager Members Relations, Philadelphia STEM Equity Collective
Leadership Team, Pennsylvania Statewide STEM Ecosystem
Philadelphia Education Fund
(856) 304-6295