New Jersey STEM Pathways Network [New Jersey Statewide]

New Jersey [statewide]

New Jersey STEM Pathways Network [New Jersey Statewide] logo


New Jersey STEM Pathways Network Logo

The New Jersey STEM Pathways Network, a strategic public-private alliance, was established in 2014 by the New Jersey Office of the Secretary of Higher Education to define and guide a STEM vision for cradle to career pathways in New Jersey. The NJSPN is managed by the Research & Development Council of New Jersey.

The NJSPN aims to attract, cultivate and retain a 21st century workforce in New Jersey, ensuring the state remains a top global competitor in STEM industry and continues its rich history of innovation.


The NJ STEM Pathways Network defines and guides a statewide STEM vision for cradle to career formal and informal learning opportunities that strengthen academic skills and inspire students; facilitates research and recommendations on STEM talent pipeline needs and barriers to success; and exposes students to the many educational pathways, experiences, and professionals that can prepare them for STEM degree programs and careers in New Jersey.


For New Jersey to attract, cultivate and retain a 21st century workforce that is engaged and supported through statewide alignment of public and private STEM educational resources, ensuring that the state remains globally competitive in STEM industries and continues its rich history of innovation.


  • Ensuring Equity and Access for All
  • Promoting Stackable Qualifications, Credentials and Real-world Connections
  • Implementing Multi-stakeholder Collaboration to Foster a Systematic, Grass-tops Approach to Advancing STEM

Key Programs

STEM Ecosystems

The NJSPN currently oversees eight STEM Learning Ecosystems representing ten counties within the state of New Jersey. These ecosystems connect STEM stakeholders at a regional level, develop new and expanding initiatives to support the education-to-workforce pipeline in their areas, and engage in a national community of practice of 111 STEM Learning Ecosystems around the world.

New Jersey STEM Month

NJ STEM Month is a celebration co-hosted by the New Jersey STEM Pathways Network (NJSPN) and Research & Development Council of New Jersey that highlights the Garden State’s incredible accomplishments in science, technology, engineering, math and innovation.

With the support of Governor Murphy’s administration and then Assemblyman Andrew Zwicker’s office, NJ STEM Week expanded to include the entire month of March in 2018. March is now New Jersey STEM Month as designated by the New Jersey State Legislature and gubernatorial proclamation.

ALL organizations in the state are called to showcase and celebrate excellent work in STEM for NJ STEM Month by hosting/attending events and engaging on social media.


Through I CAN STEM, we broaden the scope of where and to whom STEM is accessible. By spotlighting significant STEM creators and innovators from a variety of circumstances, we can spread the message that STEM is meant for everyone. We believe that taking this small but crucial step toward making STEM more inclusive will go a long way in preparing our state and our country for the many challenges ahead.

Additional Info

The New Jersey STEM Ecosystems statewide initiative replicates the National STEM Learning Ecosystems model. NJSPN has fostered the creation of eight STEM Learning Ecosystems to advance collaboration across educators, business, government and community-based organizations in order to form more integrated cradle-to-career pipelines.

Representing all 21 New Jersey counties, the Ecosystems are opportunities to address unique regional challenges, while also providing a space to pilot, scale and replicate work that expands a statewide vision of STEM.

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