Newark STEM Ecosystem [New Jersey]
Newark, NJ
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The Newark STEM Ecosystem is a 50 member cross-sector collaborative established in 2016 to prepare Newark students for STEAM careers and workforce opportunities. Our mission is to create a resource-rich ecosystem that prepares Newark’s PreK-16 students to fully participate in a 21st century workforce. Our Core Values Include:
- We Acknowledge Science & the Arts are Symbiotic—The Scientific Method and Design Process is intrinsically linked, aligned & work better together than apart.
- We Believe in the Arts—The Arts processes of Creativity, Design & Innovation are fundamental to achieving a deeper understanding of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.
- We Believe in Creativity & Inquiry-Based Learning— Creativity is essential to deepening learning, improving outcomes and preparing for the workforce in a STEAM Continuum.
- We are Inclusive AND Aspirational—We recognize the significance of each STEAM discipline to our collective, and commit to deepening our knowledge across fields to develop a cohesive STEAM pipeline.
Newark STEM’s mission is to empower students’ success by identifying and engaging with strategic partners, resources, and stakeholders to co-design an inclusive educational support system that works towards equitable outcomes for a diverse population of K-20 students, especially in Newark and its environs including the counties of Essex, Morris, Passaic, Sussex, Union, and Warren New Jersey.
Newark STEM focuses on workforce readiness and envisions a support system that prepares the PreK-20 students to participate in the 21st Century STEM/STEAM workforce.
Newark STEM has three goals:
- Generate, maintain, and share interest in activities geared toward workforce readiness and educational success;
- Coordinating existing resources and recruiting new partners to leverage their activities that promote STEM and workforce development; and
- Engage and maintain connections with students and other stakeholders.
Key Programs
STEAM In-school and Out-of-school Time Programs
The Coalition supports the development and enhancement of STEAM pipeline programs in Newark schools. Through support from philanthropic partners such as the Victoria Foundation and Dodge Foundation, the Coalition has been able to provide grants for STEAM Academies, Coding, Robotics, Environmental Science, Wildlife and Conservation, Food Science, Engineer makerspace, and internship programs.
Bridges to STEAM Career Program
The Bridges to STEAM program aims to increase knowledge and interest i STEAM careers, through virtually engaging students with STEAM professionals. The program allows teachers to request STEAM professionals for virtual discussion from careers in Science, Engineering, Technology, Math and Creative Technology.
Professional Development for Teachers
The STEAM Coalition host 2-3 professional development sessions for Newark Teachers every year. Topics include, integrating Art standards into STEM teaching practices and developing an integrated STEAM curriculum.
Key Articles
Newark STEAM Ecosystem Receives Grant from NJ STEM Pathways Network
Victoria Foundation Public School Grants Program Information for Submitting Letter of Intent (LOI)
Newark’s Opportunity
- Newark is a City of Creativity, Innovation and Learning. The city educates over 80,000 students daily.
- Newark plays host major Tech conferences, Amazon Alexa and MetroLab Network 2018 National Summit.
- The nonprofit arts and culture sector is a $178.3 million industry in the City of Newark—one that supports 4,963 full- time equivalent jobs and generates $15.6 million in local and state government revenue (2017 The Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 Study).
- Newark is home to major corporate industries, Panasonic, Audible Inc., Prudential, Prudential Center, MARS, Horizon, and PSE&G
- Newark is home to major arts and cultural institutions, New Jersey Performing Arts Center, The Newark Museum, The Newark Library, Newark Arts, WBGO, New Jersey Symphony Orchestra, many Art Galleries.
Additional Info
Newark STEM Ecosystem is part of New Jersey STEM Ecosystems statewide initiative. Replicating the National STEM Learning Ecosystems model, the NJSPN has fostered the creation of eight STEM Learning Ecosystems to advance collaboration across educators, business, government and community-based organizations in order to form more integrated cradle-to-career pipelines.
Representing all 21 New Jersey counties, the Ecosystems are opportunities to address unique regional challenges, while also providing a space to pilot, scale and replicate work that expands a statewide vision of STEM.
Dr. Alec Gates
Professor, Earth & Environmental Sciences
Rutgers Newark
Dr. Bruce Bukiet
Associate Dean, College of Science and Liberal Arts
Brad Schenker
Coordinator – Newark STEM Ecosystem
Founder – Schenker Consulting Group
Dr. James Lipuma
Director, CLEAR
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