Mid-Jersey Green STREAM Ecosystem [New Jersey]

Middlesex County, NJ

Mid-Jersey Green STREAM Ecosystem [New Jersey] logo


Mid-Jersey Green STREAM (Green STREAM) is centered around North Brunswick Township Middle School, at the crossroads of Middlesex County in NJ. It is a Title I school housing all district grades 7-8 students,  47% of whom are economically disadvantaged.  The school receives students from the Linwood School, grades 5-6. The district has been dubbed one of the ten most underfunded schools in NJ, and the tenth most diverse school district in NJ. The population of multilingual learners is growing.

Green STREAM is focused on the North Brunswick Township middle level students, to cultivate the development of innovative STEM/STEAM/STREAM career and academic awareness and exploration programs focused on engaging career-focused and future ready instruction, unique experiences, and skills, mindset, STEM identity and practices development for students in the middle grades. The goal is to accelerate learning and support STEM workforce development by catching students before they leave the STEM pipeline.

Key Programs

North Brunswick Township Middle School has numerous STEM assets.  This initiative seeks to support the braiding of assets in a framework to enhance delivery, access, equity and differentiation to student need and level of readiness through a middle level STEM career exploration pathways program, called STEMSCAPE, the STEM Student Career and Academic Pathways Exploration Program as a structure that will become the front-facing awareness and motivating interest to career exploration in STEM in the middle levels.

The STEMSCAPE program will have an associated STEM Student Advisory Group to give students voice in the direction of the program and ownership in its success as the key stakeholders in their own achievement and future.

Additional Info

Mid-Jersey Green STREAM Ecosystem is part of New Jersey STEM Ecosystems statewide initiative. Replicating the National STEM Learning Ecosystems model, the NJSPN has fostered the creation of eight STEM Learning Ecosystems to advance collaboration across educators, business, government and community-based organizations in order to form more integrated cradle-to-career pipelines.

Representing all 21 New Jersey counties, the Ecosystems are opportunities to address unique regional challenges, while also providing a space to pilot, scale and replicate work that expands a statewide vision of STEM.

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Jeannine Lanphear
5-8 Math and Science Supervisor
North Brunswick Township Middle School