Great Lakes Bay Regional Stem Initiative
Freeland, MI

The Great Lakes Bay Regional Alliance (GLBRA), a consortium of business, education, and community interests, recognized that the future vitality of its economy was dependent on developing a STEM Talent Pipeline. The STEM Impact Initiative was launched in the Spring of 2014 when GLBRA contracted with Accenture and Innovate+Educate to develop a comprehensive analysis of STEM in the region and develop a strategy with specific recommendations.
Populations served: Early Childhood, K-12, Community College, University, Out-of-School Time Providers (museums, zoos, Boys and Girls Clubs, etc.), Businesses and adult learners in Arenac, Bay, Clare, Gladwin, Gratiot, Isabella, Midland and Saginaw counties of Michigan.
Key Programs
Out-of-School Time Network – The Out-of-School Time network promotes extracurricular STEM activities throughout the region and assists with professional development and equitable access to programs.
Employer Talent Pipeline Initiative – The Employer Talent Pipeline works across industry and education sector lines to create and implement a model for employer-driven experiential learning opportunities.
College and Career Readiness – Evidence-based middle school math instruction, teacher development programs to improve math achievement, a focus on computational literacy, and activities tied to esports and robotics are key areas of focus to improve college and career readiness in the region.
Lori Flippin
STEM Initiative Leader, Great Lakes Bay Regional Alliance
(989) 280-2829
Tweets by Great Lakes Bay Regional Stem Initiative